Sunday, 6 May 2012

Blitz theatre group, 'Guns! Guns! Guns!', theatrical performance, 2009. (posted on 6/5/12)


Blitz theatre group, 'Guns! Guns! Guns!', 2009. Presented at the National Theatre of Greece. Screen shot.

Blitz theatre group was formed in 2004, in Athens, Greece. In 2008 they conceived and directed a theatrical performance in the National Theatre of Greece called 'Guns!Guns!Guns!' In the press release they use a Jean Baudrillard's quote which reads that ''... since the world follows a delirious path, we have to adopt a delirious point of view.''

'Guns! Guns! Guns!' is a delirious review of the 20th century. Using various means, 6 performers, one after the other, sitting behind a big table in front of the audience, present and re-present crucial -for them- moments and characteristics of the century. Historical personalities, audio documents, romantic heroes, moments, public speeches, guns, movements, songs, flags etc. are the raw material of the performance.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the performance when it was elaborated in Athens. Therefore, I can't really analyze it on the basis of its production. What I can say though, is that the concept is very very interesting and if produced and directed very good, I can imagine being brilliant!

Nikos Georgopoulos
May 2012

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